A command from the OARA (Artistic Office of Région Aquitaine) to the SCRIME.
METAscène is an immersive movie that tells a story about Aquitaine's theatres and all their singularities. Created in and for OARA's MECAscène space, which usual purpose is to welcome artists in residencies, it is only visible there in a few occasions per year. The audience is presented with an immersive, but frontal setup : three semi-transparent screens on stage put forward the theatrical aspect of the movie, while 50 loudspeakers surrounding the audience wrap them up with György Kurtág Jr's original soundtrack. It was first showcased at the 20th september of 2024 inauguration.
My contribution to this project was to implement a dedicated spatialization system, based on Pía Baltazar's preliminary work in Max/MSP when she designed the loudspeaker setup. It ended up to be something between the "acousmonium" and "phantom sources" approaches, using simple vbap-ish algorithms, allowing to easily project stereo soundtracks on the 50 loudspeakers. The system was implemented thanks to Faust and Pure Data components assembled in ossia Score. All spatialization sessions were performed live, recorded and mixed in 50-channel format by me.