Augmented guitar solo

In 2014 I started an augmented electric guitar project at SCRIME.

With the musical background of a rock guitarist and acousmatic composer, I wanted to use the sound of my electric guitar as the main material for a solo electroacoustic performance. So I went for a classic rock setup (tube amp, stomboxes and electric guitar), then I embedded a ribbon controller and an accelerometer sensor into my guitar, got myself a good footswitch controller, and had them control some patches (delays, loopers, granular recorders, and other various effects) running on a computer plugged into the FX loop of the amp.

Da'ath (2014)

My first creation with this setup was Da'ath, which I played once for SCRIME's Regards Croisés serie of events in 2014.

Da'ath, Da'ath Live @ Regards Croisés, SCRIME (Talence), 2014

The software is a Max/MSP patch based on the Jamoma library, and is controlled by the i-score sequencer, an early version of ossia score.


I also played a bunch of times in free improvisation with Gyorgy Kurtag Jr (synthesizers) and Bug Solonium (diffracted LASER visuals), for several SCRIME events around 2014.

Zephyr (2023)

In 2023 I reactivated the project and created Zephyr, a new solo piece, for the opening concert of the MÀD 2023 festival, organized by the contemporary music interpretation ensemble Proxima Centauri.

Zephyr, Zephyr Live @ Rocher de Palmer - MÀD festival 2023

For this performance the computer was miniaturized and fits into the pedal board. It is a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running some Pure Data patches similar to the earlier Max/MSP ones.

last modification date : 2025-01-13 05:36:48